Use a sanitary napkin. Using this is good.
Change your sanitary napkin frequently, even when the bleeding isn’t much. Menstrual blood tends to get contaminated with the body’s native organisms, so change regularly. This also helps you to avoid skin rashes.
Regularly wash your genitals and make sure the blood in and around the vagina is effectively washed away. Not only do you feel cleaner, but it also makes you healthier and protects your privates. Try to wash every time you change – or at least a couple of times a day. Carry spare napkins at all times, especially if you’re going out. Don’t wait until you get home to change (you know what can happen!). Ensure that you store them in a clean bag or pouch. Throw in a soft towel, wet tissues, and a hand sanitizer.
At the end of the day, it’s for your own good!